Magic Leap to enlarge! This is the most kick-ass you ever seen shooting game

First video:Alt iPhone leather caseTrue! Yeah! Cool! Shoot! ! Video of similar "navigate" interface, users can sign in space, such as YouTube and Gmail software. Next enter AR shooting game, you can model real-world weapon prop guns into the game, while the surrounding environment of physical objects have become the game's scenes. Virtual NPC, Monster, pet/baby are projected onto the real space, and essentially playing "live-action shooting" the same.This was developed by startup Magic Leap (still in the demo phase? ) AR augmented reality game system. The Florida venture company from the beginning of the birth, it has quite a low profile, in October last year, muffled 542 million in an unsuccessful investment, investors are giant such as Andreessen Horowitz and Kleiner Perkins and Google. Magic mysterious Leap is finally exposed for the first time his product, it's cool. iPhone leather caseMagic Leap CEO products trips canceled this week's TED Conference, but the company is released should play in a TED talk by video, the company said, "team colleagues in the Office to play the game. ”Alt Magic Leap to enlarge! This is the most kick-ass you ever seen shooting gameProfessionals say the AR products through video rendering, so the Magic Show Leap is a prototype system and its principles may be achieved by projecting the images onto the retina. So for the players, it is so realistic!via fastcompany iPhone 6 leather case2033 votesLumia 940XL\rLumia 940XL as Microsoft Windows 10 ultimate models will be equipped with mycophenolate mofetil 810 processor, with 3GB memory and 32GB storage space, 20 million + 5 million before and after camera configuration and 2K screen meaning 940XL will become the next generation of hardware monster, while supporting the 3D interactive is its unique highlights.\rView details of the voting »